Trip Cancellation Policy.
After booking, some may be compelled to cancel the trip due to personal circumtances such as:
domestic, medical, health, job related etc. or other reasons, in this case 25% cancellation fee is applied if the clients have notified us or our abroad agents 2 months in advance before the trip departure.
50% cancellation fee is applied for 2 weeks to a months notice. No refunds on last minute or at no show situations.
Last Hour Booking.
We accept your last hour booking in the eve of trip departure with 100% payment (07 days prior to tour starting date only for Nepal Trips, but for trips in Bhutan, India and Tibet will not be accepted as this requires at least 2 weeks in advance prior to trip departure in the neighboring countries.
Payment Of the Balance.
The payment for outstanding balance of your holiday is due 4 weeks prior to your departure date. If you choose to settle your holiday balance by credit card a handling charge of 3-4 % on the outstanding balance is made. There is no handling charge for payment by cheque or bank transfer.
Travel & Medical Insurance.
We strongly advise and suggest that all clients should acquire Travel and Medical Insurance, which is compulsory undertaking any tour and treks. It should include adequate protection for tour / treks duration to cover personal injury, death, medical expenses, and repatriation expenses in any means of transportation on emergency evacuation such as helicopter rescue, air ambulance and adequate cover for baggage.